In recent years, more and more people appeal to-Century experience healers and healers. The main cause of the deficiency, sufficiency, medical professionals, as well as specifications, pricing policies, private clinics.
Dignity an unconventional approach:
- In effect, proven for centuries. No other way except for Disease healing healing properties for centuries humans use dozens of natural components. This humanity, not just has become extinct, and even can be said that the methods also applies to the increasing population;
- Security. Natural ingredients, of course, there are many contraindications and may cause side effects, but their list of simulate this artificial limitation of a very short list with the annotation specified drugs;
- Prevention. Warning many potions owned vehicles to various diseases, claims that it is better to prevent illness, and during long-term treatment, the hurry-up does not require;
- Cost-effective. The medicinal plants are low-cost adequate attention and effort to fill pharmacy and medicine and a first aid kit etc .. it may be your own – most herbs are growing everywhere;
- Ease of use. Designed for the most challenging and require equal doses 1 to 3 times a day, drinking potions of a schema about some treatment go on, stop here;
- It's a stable result. Natural ingredients to the time required for 3 days to take effect, they are useless, however, the resulting effect continue for a long time.
In the field of herbal medicine, traditional medicine, safe, have no side effects and is available for a price. Them easy to cook for yourself. Healers claim that the best remedy for male potency — tea, hop cones baked, it is recommended to drink infusions of St. John's wort, wild carrot.

All these herbs improves male aphrodisiac Turkish folk remedies, came to us this time, when official medicine was developed. First Turkish to increase the potency of folk remedies in a fast and secure way:
- Tea, hops. Get 10 grams (the large spoon) dried hop cones, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. For this, over low heat or in a water bath for 5 minutes. Get every day, morning and evening, half a cup of 2 months.
- Hypericum boiling. Buy pharmacy packaging, dried wort hypericum, pour 250 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. firmly close the cover and plant. Infusion for comfortable use thermos. After an hour, drain and drink a drink for him a few tricks a day. Is St John's wort-related problems, blood circulation, i.e., useful for erection.
- Parsnips. The potency of this herb boosts the immune system and, therefore, it is useful to drink infusion parsnips from time to time, to health problems even in private shows. Preparation: pour 2 tablespoons of dried root in a thermos cup boiling water. For two hours the infusion is ready. Drain and ⅓ cup 20 minutes before a meal. Give drink to taste good with honey or fruit syrup, to taste.
Turkish folk remedies using food and men to obtain healing powers. The mixture of nuts and honey — a tasty remedy to develop efficient and power. Eat as a dessert after eating this delicacy will see it, and anesthesiologist is designed to return you to male power.
Cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, and cheese helps the body to recover sexual function. Probably that which is lacking in the diet eat. Buy milk and milk products medium-and high-fat, low-fat products lacks useful features.
Men will always be the most important factor is"".
There you will be able to quickly repair and weight products natural healing potency. It's most effective to describe.
Honey and nuts
A combination of these materials an impressive array of beneficial trace elements. Male potency behaves in a miraculous manner of honey, walnut male libido stimulant. Restore erectile function have at least 150 grams nuts, 50 grams of honey.
This plant is continuously visible tools to develop power. And it is not a coincidence. Ginseng not only expands the vessels, enhances blood flow and oxygen to the sexual organ, is also a kind of aphrodisiac.
To do yourself by buying dry powder ginseng tincture pharmacy. Pour a cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of ginseng and food to take a snap. Then after the liquid has cooled, drain and drink twice a day, morning and evening.
Carrot juice
Carrots have beta-carotene, zinc, and a qualitative potency affects. Fresh carrots on your plate, so it is best to make only consumed freshly prepared fruit juice. Add value 0,5 teaspoon of honey for the best effect.
Drink the juice three times a day 200 ml. 'It is understood that a kind of erection too, and need a practical method to stimulate recovery: you can change the color of urine similar to fresh. If the male orange urine difference – it's not worth frightened. This pigment carrots.
Since ancient times this plant is believed treatment. Today, this is commonly used to increase the strength of the effect of the additives. Nettle – ayşe pınar trace elements and vitamins. This plant not only boosts male libido but it also purifies the blood, blood vessels, toxins and congestion.
If drinking water every day, already on the second day feel the rush of energy, vitality and ease some of the body. Of course, Nettles, affect arousal, sexual organ. You need to take to prepare a healing potion and 1 tablespoon of dried nettle pour a glass of water. At the end of drinking water for 30 minutes twice a day.
In Turkish folk medicine practiced for a long time for the prevention and treatment prostatitis, adenoma for Mighty males. The main component of zinc, a "savior" for a man. Juice and 250 ml water 150 g dried flower thyme for cooking you need to get. Drinking water throughout the day.
To quickly and effectively improve the government, that are required to prepare three days a few magic beverage, encouragement, stimulation, penis. Upgrade to one day power will be destroyed, but the effect will come very quickly.
Poplar bark die happy
The bark of this tree have amazing features. First, it has anti-inflammatory effects, improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and cleans them. Moreover, correct cooking, boiling, then immediately male potency effects.
It's almost impossible to cook wrong. Buy 200 gr. cortex (can be purchased at a pharmacy) and a liter of boiling water on it. Important water soak. This better stand in a cool place for 30 to 60 Minutes. Drinking 100-150 gr. three times a day.

Activating this root male power. This plant, not only the power increase, but diseases such as alert, forgive adenoma, impotence. This aromatic plant had a positive impact on the entire body.
Prepare food, it is a snap. Just grind the grated root, 1 tsp. add your favorite tea. Ginger and honey is also regarded as a great way for preparing. Ratio 50:50-100 gr.
There is another recipe, a score of experienced, talented is a day to raise the potency.
White wine
Accordingly, to create a heady powerful sexual stimulant effect drinking will have half an hour to an hour.
Recipe: add wine, per purchase, there is a glass of lemon in a glass of orange juice and 0.5. Then put 2 tablespoons of honey, cardamom, mint leaves, 1 tablespoon liqueur and delicious cocktail obtained this "mighty".
But there is a caveat: this potion arouse the need in January (avoid the microwave) without boiling. But then, to insist that we need to cook him three days. Then apply the natural stimulus before you can have sex.
To mention Turkish folk remedies to increase potency-aged men and middle age, you should start with, decoctions and infusions of herbs to create the most common substances. These leaves of grass and the stems of medicinal plants.
Sexual activity for gain is considered to be useful:
- Datura prostrate. The plant features one of the closest major stimulating. When using as a tincture helps stabilize erectile function. To do this, you need 20-30 grams of milled dry pour vodka and insist in a dark place for 1 Week and 300 gr of raw material. Then drain and consumption 10 to 20 drops twice a day.
- Dioica (stinging nettle). It is a common plant that has an effect. Used to improve the impact strength of water tincture. Cook only — 1 tablespoon of raw pour 200 ml boiling water, 2 intake and 3 hours use a day. So again in two weeks, make a weekend more desirable.
- Ginseng and Siberian ginseng. Two known natural stimulant. The most commonly used tincture. 10 g of milled raw material required for its preparation and pour the liquid honey and 350 ml of each plant, to insist 2 weeks. After that 20 drops will be consumed three times a day. The effect is that intake will be start after 1-2 months mark already.
- Thyme. Thanks, zinc, and magnesium, consisting of the plant and increases the concentration of testosterone stimulates spermatogenesis, blood. To be done for six months of treatment to achieve a permanent result. Tincture prepared are as follows: 1 tablespoon of dry raw material pour a glass of boiling and let it sit for 2 hours. Drinking — 3 times per day.
- Air. Arousal has its root among the unique capabilities and power. Alcohol tincture calamus root has a similar feature. To cook: pour 200 g of vodka 40-50 grams of milled raw material. Tool to insist in a dark place for about 2 weeks. Shake well before using. Before each meal take 10 drops within 3-4 months.
Any problems help?
It can act as mild sexual dysfunction men to improve the potency of folk remedies, the main drug .. etc. More is a disease that requires an integrated approach, the methods will be related to alternative medicine.
By using the methods of conventional type can be:
- Improve business of the nervous system;
- Re-circulation;
- To increase the production of testosterone;
- Eliminate effects of stress;
- Strengthen protection of the immune system;
- Normal metabolism;
- To strengthen a weak erection;
- Suppressing inflammation of the prostate gland.
Herbal medicine etc ..
All kinds of herbs, decoctions, fees and their basis in power and strengthen always possible to increase the levels of the male potency. There are many tools for men, the tropical 60-year-old. For example, the infusion which is included in the collection St. John's wort, nettle, alfalfa and peppermint – 5 h. L each one.
Specified herbs and costs less populated liter boiling water an hour. The way therapy — drinking cups of infusion a day, while this system contributed to the development of prostatic hypertrophy a sexual condition, it opens fairly quickly.
To increase the potency of folk remedies herbal for men is prepared using the tools:
- lila dried Chichewa (350 ml boiling water, 15 gr. you drink every evening);
- calamus root (pieces simmer for a day, chew or drink a cup to — 20 gr. 250 ml of cold water, a bit of the root);
- lovage (grated 20 gr. "medicine .. etc" mix food every day);
- St. John's wort (dry grass vodka, insist in Chapter 5 of Part 1 per week, three times a day by taking develop 35-40 drops);
- parsley (boil for half an hour in a water bath at 50 gr. Yesil has cooled after 200 ml water, 15 ml of Al a minimum of 5 days).
Men who only want attention and "deep" to save 50 years of sexual usefulness, the right way to use ginseng.
To increase men's strength, durability, and a special power that helps to keep the tincture for a long time:
- Chopped fresh ginseng root, you need to take (15 gr.), "drowning" his alcohol or vodka (100 ml.).
- The mixture should be dark to infuse for weeks in a cool dark place, every day is a must after the jumble has expired and drain.
- Acceptance, .. etc such symptoms the first symptoms of the male folk medicine immediately after bankruptcy. Daily lesson – and 100-120 drops three divided doses.
Ginger – another powerful natural aphrodisiacs for men's health. It's a great way to practice to increase potency, boost normal sexual activity, attraction, and in addition another, and to strengthen the immune system.

Alternative medicine allows you to apply:
- tea and ginger powder (mix powder (half a teaspoon) in a cup of boiling water, then to drink the infusion every day, three times a lemon and/or honey);
- raw root fragments;
- a bathroom with the addition of ground dried ginger;
- tincture (to get 900 ml vodka 400 gr. Root, to insist in a dark place for 14 days, stirring regularly take, drain, twice a day 10 GR.).